
Anti-Immigrant Bias: Educators Championing Justice (Summer 2024)

Jul 15, 2024 - Jul 31, 2024
7 credits


Full course description


Course Description

A recent national survey found that 60% of schools report anti-immigrant harassment, yet only 49% of schools are addressing this issue. Clearly, more needs to be done to challenge anti-immigrant bias in schools. Whether your school has many or few students of immigrant-origin, the fact remains that we all are exposed to anti-immigrant stereotypes through news, entertainment and the process of socialization. Students need to be prepared to actively challenge anti-immigrant bias so that they don’t perpetuate it. 


This course guides you through the process of addressing anti-immigrant bias at the individual, classroom and school level. It explores practical and proven strategies for challenging anti-immigrant bias and creating inclusive learning environments. At the end of the course, you will put your learning into practice by choosing one of the featured strategies to try out.


This course was created by ADL Education and inspired by a collaboration with Re-Imagining Migration.





By the end of this course you will:

  • Consider how anti-immigrant bias manifests in schools.
  • Connect with and learn from other educators across the country. 
  • Explore concrete strategies to counter anti-immigrant bias through self-reflection, classroom practice and school culture. 
  • Apply your course learning and begin to challenge anti-immigrant bias through a brief field work exercise. 



The course is for K–12 educators, administrators and student support staff.



Thanks to ADL's generous supporters, there is no cost to educators and administrators for this course.

This course has an enrollment limit to be filled on a first-come basis. If registration is full, you will have the option to join the waitlist for a future offering of the course. We strongly encourage you to be sure you can commit to the time requirements before you register and take a spot.



The course takes place over two weeks starting Monday, July 15, 2024 and ending Wednesday, July 31, 2024. There will be a Welcome Webinar on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 and a Reunion Webinar on Thursday, August 15, 2024.


Time commitment: 7 hours total (estimate)

  • Approximately 4 hours of asynchronous (self-paced) learning. (Includes: readings, videos, activities and posting and responding on discussion boards).
  • Live Welcome Webinar scheduled for Wednesday, July 17, 7-8 PM ET.
  • Live Reunion Webinar scheduled for Thursday, August 15, 7-8 PM ET.
  • Exploring resources and additional readings (optional).


Certificate Requirements

A certificate of 7 professional learning hours will be given upon successful completion of course assignments and the course evaluation.


Next Steps

Space is limited, so be sure to enroll in the course as soon as possible to hold your spot. Once you register, you’ll receive an email confirming your enrollment.

Any questions? Email us at



This course was piloted with a group of educators in Summer 2023. 94% of pilot participants would recommend this course to a colleague. Here's what they said:

“This course was an excellent model, and it was nice and concise -- something that really punches above its weight considering the minimal time required to complete it." - College Faculty Member

"Once again, ADL has given me amazing information to use in my classroom. Migration stories are an essential part of our community, nation, and understanding our students." - High School English Teacher

“I feel strongly that all folk who are working with or teaching EL students should take a course like this." - EL Educator

“I enjoyed the modules.They are all full of great resourcs and information. Will definitely use the information in my classes during the school year." - Middle School Counselor

"I learned that there are many things I can do within my role to address anti-immigrant bias, and many educators, students, and communities to draw inspiration from." - Community College Professor

"The strategies in this course help make such huge, important topics not feel so insurmountable. They feel manageable and it is encouraging to see so many others who are committed to change and committed to continuing to learn." - Teacher of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students


Sign up for this course today!
